Monday 4 April 2011

“Doesn’t really matter what the eye is seeing, ’cause i’m in love with the inner being.”

beib...this is the time...
time for me to let you go..
i love always..but ur love is not for me.. waiting for u...
in our room..
in this line...our connections

u know...

im dirsty of ur news...i miss our crazy chat, im waiting the time when we can laugh together again..
i miss u...miss ur voice..miss ur 'kiss'..... annoying now..
im not ur sweet..ur darl..ur beiby...
im not the first anymore...
im not the second, three, or even four..

i have been erased...from ur heart..ur head..ur memories...

u've found ur 'real' way..
with them...who love u..
that give u the needs..give u the real..
real friendship..relationship..all real that the eye is seeing...

we are enough...
u enough..
im enough..

beib, i wish u happy..
wishing u the good wisdom,
wishing u the best things in life..

beib...whatever ur condition, ur poker face, ur bad temperament, ur selfish, ur ego, n ur childish ....
i will always love u...doesnt really matter what the eye is seeing, cause im in love with the inner being...

- J Jackson -

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