Thursday 24 March 2011


"Don't you think it's better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to be just okay for your whole life?" ( the time travellers wife"s quote )


sweet memories..
we've made again... tomorrow...
everything that we've done...all happenned to us...will be a sweet memories only...

we both know that we cant ever be something...
there is no hope for our relationship...
you and me is never made up..

yes i love u..and i know dear...that you love me too..
but love is only love for us..

no responsibilities in our love..
maybe our love is just a temporary feeling...maybe for me...maybe for you..and maybe for us..

im happy with you...with us...
and im happy with them too..

im crazy without you dumb when u are not around...
i need me...

you told me that you can not live without me...
im hurting you when i say goodbye...
you said that im your sunshine..your soul..your love

we pretending that everything will okay..
everything is under control..

but we are wrong dear...
everything are messed...
and we dont know how to fix it...

how long it lasts dear?? no one knows....

and now we just only wait....and see...

and all we can do is just to let it flow and go...

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